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Train to teach at Denefield

Why teach?

Teaching is great - doubt anyone who tells you otherwise. 

Working with young people is never ever dull. You can't beat the feeling of seeing a child finally grasp something they've been struggling with - be that reading aloud in class, asking a question or finally grasping a tricky concept. My absolute favourite thing is when they become really deeply interested in what you're teaching them even though they're sometimes trying really hard to pretend otherwise. Once they've shown you how keen they really are, there is no going back. 

Teaching is also academically stimulating. Breaking down tricky concepts so they can be understood by novices is hard. You have to think really hard about all the component parts of a topic and carefully chunk the bits of information, so your classes can acquire the knowledge they need in the right order - so they can apply it in novel situations.  

Mrs S Mchugh, Deputy Headteacher 


Why train at Denefield?

  1. Amazing students - we are proud to be a fully comprehensive school. We teach our students to work hard and be kind so that they can achieve success for life. 
  2. Supportive staff - teaching can be tough. It's an important job and when it doesn't go to plan you'll need a team around you. At Denefield, our very stable staff team work exceptionally well together - celebrating the good times and supporting during trickier times. Subject teams are close, but all staff are too-enjoying nights out at the theatre, painting pottery and even a dance from time to time. 
  3. Supportive systems - we have very clear systems for managing behaviour so that all students can learn in every classroom and so you can focus on teaching your subject and teaching it really well. 
  4. Smart solutions - we are committed to ensuring that teachers at Denefield focus all their efforts on techniques that have a commensurate impact on student outcomes. If something isn't impactful, we won't ask you to do it. That means that if you work with us, you'll be spending your time only on things that matter, so you'll have time to do the things you enjoy outside of work.  
  5. Effective CPD- we work with the OTT SCITT and the Two Counties Training Partnership. Training with us is the start of the journey. Many of our trainees go on to secure employment at Denefield and, for those for whom there is no vacancy, we work hard to help you find the right job elsewhere. Training through the ECT years and beyond is a seamless journey at Denefield - focussing on helping you develop the skills you need to become an excellent classroom teacher and acquire any other skills you require to realise your professional ambitions. 

If you are interested in finding out more about training to teach, please contact

Mr A Wheeler: 

Find out more about training to teach at Denefield:

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Denefield has professional support and opportunities for growth and development


We offer two pathways to train to teach at Denefield:

- OTT Scitt

- Two Counties



Click here to view their website or find out more by watching the video below.

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Two Counties 

The Postgraduate Initial Teacher Training in association with Two Counties Teacher Training Partnership.

You can also download the Two Counties leaflet at the bottom of this page. 

*SCITT – School Centred Initial Teacher Training