Student Absence
In the event of an unplanned absence, we request you follow these steps:
- Contact the school: on the day of the absence, please report the absence via either the Classcharts app, emailing or calling the school on 0118 9413458 before 8.30am
- Provide a reason for absence: please provide a specific reason on the first day of absence and every subsequent day/s if the illness/ absence continues.
Medical appointments
If your child has a medical appointment that cannot be scheduled outside school hours, please notify us in advance and provide relevant documentation (eg an appointment card). If you do need to make these appointments during the school day we ask for them to take place first thing in the morning or towards the end of the day. We will only authorise a half day for a medical appointment; if a whole day is taken the second half will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. We do not accept optician or planned dentist appointments as an acceptable reason for absence – they will be marked as unauthorised.