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Year 6 tours

We would like to thank you for joining us for our successful open evening. It was incredibly busy and was wonderful to see so many of you with our future students. As promised, please see a number of links below that will help you in making your secondary school choices.

Please click on a date below to book a slot:

For Monday 23 September, please click here.

For Tuesday 24 September, please click here.

For Wednesday 25 September, please click here.

For Thursday 26 September, please click here.

For Friday 27 September, please click here.

For Monday 30 September, please click here.

For Tuesday 1 October, please click here.

For Wednesday 2 October, please click here.

For Thursday 3 October, please click here.

For Monday 14 October, please click here.

For Tuesday 15 October, please click here.

For Wednesday 16 October, please click here.

For Thursday 17 October, please click here.

For Friday 18 October, please click here.

The deadline for secondary school applications this year is Thursday 31 October 2024.

If you live in West Berkshire, please click here for more information and to make your online application.

If you live in Reading, please click here for more information and to make your online application.

In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding your child’s potential next steps with us at Denefield, please do not hesitate to contact us at