Statutory Information
Item |
Information, link to document or page |
Academy contact details |
Denefield School tel: 0118 9413458 Name and contact address of the Chair of Trustees: Trev Keable Denefield School Email: Governance Professional Name of academy trust: Denefield School Name and contact for SENDCO: Mr C Burrows - |
Admission arrangements |
Admission Policy 2024-2025 (available on our policies page) Admission Policy 2025-2026 (available on our policies page) Appeals – information provided at time of school allocation result by West Berkshire Council Point of Prejudice (available on our admissions page) |
Exclusion arrangements |
Exclusions Policy (available on our policies page) Behaviour and Discipline Policy (available on our policies page) |
Safeguarding |
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (available on our policies page) |
Ofsted Report |
Exams and assessment results |
Assessment, Recording and Reporting Policy (available on our policies page) Performance data (available in our latest prospectus, on our admissions page) |
Performance tables |
Curriculum |
Behaviour Policy |
Behaviour and Discipline Policy (available on our policies page) |
Pupil Premium |
Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium |
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities SEND |
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy (SEND) (available on our policies page) Equality Policy (available on our policies page) Equality Information and Objectives (available on our policies page) |
Complaints |
Parental Complaints Policy and Procedures (available on our policies page) Managing serial and unreasonable complaints (available on our policies page) Policy for handling complaints from members of the public (available on our policies page) |
Annual Reports and Accounts |
Trust Board information and duties |
Charging and Remissions |
Charging and Remissions Policy (available on our policies page) |
Ethos and values |
Careers |
Union duties |
Our exceptional absence policy states we allow union representatives two days training and two days to attend conferences as authorised absence per annum. |
Request for copies |
Copies of any of the policies on our website can be requested by parents/carers free of charge by calling the school on 0118 9413458 or by emailing a request to |