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  1. Accessibility Plan (Jan 2023)
  2. Accessibility Plan Review (March 2024)
  3. Admissions Policy 2024-2025 (Approved Feb 2023 - Updated Dec 2023)
  4. Admissions Policy 2025-2026 (Feb 2024)
  5. Anti-Bullying Policy (Nov 2023)
  6. Attendance and Punctuality Policy (Sept 2023)
  7. Behaviour and Discipline Policy 2023-2024 (Nov 2023)
  8. Career Education and Guidance Policy (June 2023)
  9. CCTV Policy
  10. Charging and Remissions Policy (May 2024)
  11. Children Looked After Policy (Jan 2023)
  12. Code of Conduct - Parents, Carers and Visitors (March 2023)
  13. Code of Conduct for School Staff (Jan 2024)
  14. Controlled Assessment Policy
  15. Data Protection E-safety and Acceptable Use Policy (March 2024)
  16. Drugs Policy (June 2023)
  17. Early Career Teacher Policy (ECT) 2023-2024 (Sept 2023)
  18. Educational Visits and Offsite Activities Policy
  19. Equality Information and Objectives (Nov 2022)
  20. Equality Policy (Nov 2023)
  21. Exclusions Policy (Nov 2023)
  22. Financial Management Policy 2023-2024 (Oct 2023)
  23. Financial Reserves Policy 2023-2024 (Oct 2023)
  24. First Aid Policy (June 2024)
  25. Freedom of Information Policy
  26. Health and Safety Policy (May 2024)
  27. Investment Policy (March 2024)
  28. Lettings Policy
  29. Mental Health Policy (Oct 22)
  30. Nutritional Standards Policy (Jan 2024)
  31. Parental Complaints Policy and Procedure (May 2024)
  32. Policy for Dealing with Allegations of Abuse against Staff (May 2024)
  33. Policy for Handling Complaints from Members of the Public (May 2023)
  34. Policy for Managing Serial and Persistent Complaints (May 2024)
  35. Premises Management Policy
  36. Privacy Notice for ParentsCarers
  37. Privacy Notice for Students
  38. Provider Access Policy (Jan 2023)
  39. Reasonable Force and Restraint Policy (Oct 2023)
  40. Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) Policy (March 2024)
  41. Remote Teaching and Remote Pastoral Care Guidance for Parents, Carers and Students (Sept 2023)
  42. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (Jan 2024)
  43. Safer Recruitment Policy and Procedure (March 2024)
  44. School Uniform Policy (March 2024)
  45. Search and Confiscation Policy
  46. Security Policy
  47. Separated Parents Policy
  48. Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy (SEND) - (May 2024)
  49. Supporting Students at School with Medical Conditions Policy (March 2023)
  50. Teaching and Learning Policy
  51. Trustee's Visit Policy (Oct 2022)
  52. Trustees' Expenses and Allowances Policy (March 2024)
  53. Whistleblowing Policy (Nov 2023)