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Student Wellbeing

It is normal to feel anxious, stressed or sad at times. It may be that talking things through with parents, other trusted adults or friends helps you feel better, you might write down how you feel in a journal; you might focus on a hobby or sport or practice mindful techniques such as meditation or walking in nature. However, there are times when we might need extra support from others to help us cope. The resources here are a starting point for getting help with a range of issues, both for students and the parents and carers who support them.

Students are invited to use or use the listening post box at student reception if they have a concern about their or someone else’s welfare, safety or learning and would prefer to report it online. Denefield will not tolerate any form of bullying, abuse, harassment or discrimination and we would like students to be assured that messages will be taken seriously. Parents/Carers may also use the listening email to report similar concerns if they are not sure who else to contact.

Emails sent to or posted in the post box are read by a member of staff who will then pass it to the best person to help or investigate. Students and parents/carers are encouraged to use their real names so that action can be taken.

We need to hear about:

  • bullying
  • racist, homophobic, sexist, or any other discriminatory behaviour
  • child-on-child abuse
  • sexual harassment or abuse
  • other concerns or incidents that need to be investigated
  • your feedback – positive or negative.

For concerns about mental health, the following websites are recommended for practical advice and help:

Click on the name of the organisation under the logo to link to their website.





Young Minds








 Charlie Waller Trust


Anxiety UK



Daisy's Dream









Mental Health Foundation








Talking Therapies